Santanand Soorkia

Principal Law Practitioner




* Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants

* Inns of Court - Middle Temple (UK)

* Mauritius Bar Association


Santanand specialises in financial services and global business law.

* We uphold the ethics of the Bar

* We listen to the client’s needs

* We excel in the client service

* We fight for client success

* We make it happen

* We share the joy with the client

$anFirst has acquired more than 2 decades of financial services and global business experience and expertise from its principal law practitioner, Santanand Soorkia.

Santanand is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK) and a Barrister-at-Law. He was called to the Bar in England and in Mauritius.


He combines more than 29 years’ experience and expertise in company / trust / fund formation and administration. He has led a consolidated team of 16 professionals with a portfolio of over 500 global business entities during his early years at the ex-Arthur Andersen representative firm in Mauritius. He marketed the products offered by Mauritius as a Financial Services and Global Business destination in Europe, Asia and Africa and performed extensive international tax and structuring research on strategic tax jurisdictions such as The European Union including The Netherlands Antilles, Luxembourg, Malta and Cyprus, Seychelles, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates including Dubai, and investee jurisdictions such as India and China.


He was formerly a member of a leading set of barristers’ chambers along English lines, based in Port Louis.  The chambers offers advice and advocacy across different areas of law with particular specialisation in corporate, security and financial law, and advice to international commercial banks and investment banks, multinational corporations and collective investment funds.

Our Values
